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In Northern Shewa Legere Sebket Moret and Jiru Woreda, Bolo Kelele St. God Ab Church building has been awarded recognition and prize from the hands of the Pope.
Mr. Aykuluhum Haile Selassie and his wife Mrs. Amelework, who built the church with more than 16 million birr, have been given gold necklace, robe and jerru ox from the area.
Engineer Abebe, the architect of the building church, received a robe and a sheep’s veil from the local believers and Mr. Ayewkhum Haile Selassie received a cheque of 1 hundred 20.

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab church

Bolo kelole St. God Ab churchSimilarly, the representatives of the people were awarded for their contribution in the construction of the people.
The Bolo kelole Menbere Birhan Kidus Ishiab church that was built by Bitsuan Abew Lika Pope Burake is a diamond church with a width of 739 square meters, 32 meters height and 64 standing stones.

Joram Jojo