The Power of Sisterhood: An Exploration of the Dynamics of Female Friendship Catalysing Excellence through Collaboration and Development

The pursuit of greatness is not an isolated endeavour; rather, it is a quality that flourishes through collaboration, continuous development, and the support of a sisterhood of women. This profound truth constituted the central theme of a significant conference held on 24th August 2024 in Hollata town. The event, held under the auspices of the Women’s League, served as an exemplar of the transformative potential of unity among women, as evidenced by the aptly titled “Sisterhood is for Brotherhood.” The objective is to foster the growth and advancement of individuals across generations, ensuring a continuous cycle of development.


Keynote Address by Mrs. Bekashe Mosisa

The conference was honoured by the attendance of Mrs. Bekashe Mosisa, the head of the Women’s League of the city administration. In her compelling address, Mrs. Mosisa underscored the pivotal role women have played in Ethiopia’s development. Furthermore, she emphasised that women have not only been instrumental in driving economic growth but have also been the backbone of peace and freedom within the nation.


Contributions of Women in Ethiopia

Mrs. Mosisa’s remarks highlighted the complex and multifaceted impact of women in Ethiopia:

  • The concept of economic independence is multifaceted and encompasses a range of dimensions. It is evident that women have been instrumental in the advancement of economic independence. They have engaged in a variety of entrepreneurial activities, thereby challenging existing barriers and establishing new benchmarks for success. These contributions have had a substantial impact on the nation’s GDP, thereby demonstrating their capacity to act as pivotal drivers of economic advancement.

  • The maintenance of peace and stability is of paramount importance. It is evident that women have played a pivotal role in maintaining peace and stability within Ethiopia. Across the nation, women have assumed the roles of peacekeepers, mediators, and advocates for social justice within their communities. Their participation in peace-building initiatives has been pivotal in resolving conflicts and fostering a culture of dialogue and understanding. This dedication to peace and liberty serves as a testament to the resilience and fortitude of Ethiopian women.

Empowering Women: The Key to Political, Developmental, and Peaceful Progress

In recent years, the role of women in shaping the political landscape, advancing development, and fostering peace has gained significant recognition. It is evident that the involvement of women in these areas is of paramount importance for achieving sustainable progress and unity. This writer examines the multifaceted contributions of women and elucidates the insights shared by key figures at a recent conference dedicated to this cause.


The Crucial Role of Women in Politics and Development

The participation of women in politics is not merely a matter of representation; it is a catalyst for comprehensive development. Women contribute a distinctive perspective and approach to the discourse, addressing issues that might otherwise be marginalised. Mrs. Samira, a prominent proponent of women’s empowerment, underscored the active involvement of women in a multitude of civil service activities, political movements, and development initiatives. Such engagement is not merely about fulfilling roles; it is also about effecting meaningful change with a view to ensuring the prosperity of families and fostering a sense of togetherness within communities.


Women as Agents of Peace

In addition to their contributions to politics and development, women play a pivotal role in peace efforts. It has been demonstrated that the involvement of women in peace processes and conflict resolution leads to more sustainable and long-lasting outcomes. By engaging in peacebuilding initiatives, women facilitate the dissolution of antagonistic sentiments and foster mutual comprehension between opposing factions. Furthermore, Mrs. Samira emphasised that women are becoming increasingly involved in comprehensive peace programmes, thereby demonstrating their commitment to the creation of a harmonious society.


Acquiring Knowledge and Influencing Change

As women continue to engage in these critical areas, they are also acquiring new information and skills that serve to further enhance their roles in society. This ongoing process of learning is of great consequence in determining the extent of their influence at the national and local levels. The conference highlighted the importance of diligence as a key factor in achieving greater productivity and unity. The commitment of women to self-improvement and the acquisition of knowledge is facilitating the delivery of more informed and effective contributions to the country’s progress.


Insights from the League of Women of Holata City Administration

The central focus of this conference was an analysis of a text written by Mrs. Bekashe Mossissa, the head of the League of Women of Holata City Administration. Her work illuminates the transformative impact of women’s involvement in diverse sectors. Mrs. Mossissa’s insights provide a framework for leveraging the potential of women to drive societal change. She advocates for the creation of additional opportunities for women to participate in decision-making processes, emphasising that their input is vital for the formulation of policies that reflect the diverse needs of the population.





In conclusion, it can be stated that… A Call to Action
The conference provided a compelling illustration of the significance of sisterhood in attaining excellence. Through collaboration and continuous development, women are capable of effecting substantial change in their communities and beyond. As emphasised by Mrs Mosisa, collective action by women is vital for stimulating economic growth and maintaining peace in Ethiopia.

By embracing the spirit of sisterhood, women can continue to provide mutual support and collectively contribute to the creation of a brighter future for generations to come.

The conference provided a compelling illustration of the pivotal role that women play in forging a more promising future. The contributions of women to politics, development and peace are not only praiseworthy but also indispensable for the creation of a more equitable and harmonious society. As women persist in dismantling barriers and challenging prevailing norms, it is imperative that governments, organisations, and communities provide support and amplify their efforts. By fostering an environment conducive to the flourishing of women and their leadership, we can collectively work towards a world that values and benefits from the full potential of all its members. The empowerment of women is not merely a goal; it is a necessity for sustainable development and peace. The insights shared by Mrs. Samira and Mrs. Bekashe Mossissa illustrate the transformative potential of women’s engagement in pivotal domains. As we progress, it is imperative that we establish avenues for women to assume leadership roles and flourish, thereby ensuring a more promising and inclusive future for all.

Joram Jojo